Treating ancestral patterns is important because ancestors live in your genes. All their past experiences are recorded. By doing so, they affect your current life and relationships. Reconnecting with nature is also important, because humans are, after all, part of nature. Planets live in us, we are connected to plants, wind, mountains, rivers, lakes. But, having lost this feeling, we found ourselves in a lost and frightened society, and stern and alienated in our actions. When we reawaken the stunted senses and feel the connection with nature and life again, we free ourselves and relax. We are no longer afraid, we become soft and loving in relationships. This is the essence that returns us to a healthy life, inner peace and happiness.
Our healing ceremonies are comprehensive experiential workshops on personal growth, physical and emotional healing, and reconnection.
- The embrace of love ceremony
- The liana of souls ceremony
- The four winds ceremony
Our healing center is comfortable enough for you to feel relaxed and at the same time modest enough for you to retain your focus on your inner world that you came to discover.
You are completely safe in our care since we have many decades of experience and have conducted more than a thousand healings. You can relax and surrender to the loving bosom of Mother Nature and our loving, dedicated and highly-professional work.
Our center offers you complete privacy so that you can be completely open to focus on your healing process. We will help you accept all your weaknesses and shadow emotions with a view to releasing them from your life. We work from the level of oneness, where all your emotions are seen as equal; we help you to reach the light of liberation, the state of oneness, reconnection, inner peace and happiness.
All healing ceremonies are conducted by the Trinity: Alan, Gaia, Luka. Our mission is to offer you high-quality support in your healing, personal growth and transformation. We aim to make you independent, to reawaken your inner physician, your inner consciousness so that you can learn how to live in love and bliss. It is our goal to teach you the power of non-violent communication so that you can become a bright being of light, successful in professional life and loving in your emotional relationships.
The ceremony is a deeply mystical healing, which enables you to get in touch with god who lives in each and every one of us and is infinite. You will discover your true nature and see your life path, purpose and reason for being. The experience will serve as a means of getting rid of fears and uncertainties and enable you to surrender to the miracle of life.
Your personal safety during the healing ceremonies is of paramount importance for us so that you can delve deeply into yourself and focus on the process you are going through.
Let your life purpose be fulfilled and happy life and may love be the essence of all your relationships.
Our healing ceremonies are comprehensive experiential workshops on personal growth, physical and emotional healing, and reconnection.
- The embrace of love ceremony
- The liana of souls ceremony
- The four winds ceremony
Our healing center is comfortable enough for you to feel relaxed and at the same time modest enough for you to retain your focus on your inner world that you came to discover.
You are completely safe in our care since we have many decades of experience and have conducted more than a thousand healings. You can relax and surrender to the loving bosom of Mother Nature and our loving, dedicated and highly-professional work.
Our center offers you complete privacy so that you can be completely open to focus on your healing process. We will help you accept all your weaknesses and shadow emotions with a view to releasing them from your life. We work from the level of oneness, where all your emotions are seen as equal; we help you to reach the light of liberation, the state of oneness, reconnection, inner peace and happiness.
All healing ceremonies are conducted by the Trinity: Alan, Gaia, Luka. Our mission is to offer you high-quality support in your healing, personal growth and transformation. We aim to make you independent, to reawaken your inner physician, your inner consciousness so that you can learn how to live in love and bliss. It is our goal to teach you the power of non-violent communication so that you can become a bright being of light, successful in professional life and loving in your emotional relationships.
The ceremony is a deeply mystical healing, which enables you to get in touch with god who lives in each and every one of us and is infinite. You will discover your true nature and see your life path, purpose and reason for being. The experience will serve as a means of getting rid of fears and uncertainties and enable you to surrender to the miracle of life.
Your personal safety during the healing ceremonies is of paramount importance for us so that you can delve deeply into yourself and focus on the process you are going through.
Let your life purpose be fulfilled and happy life and may love be the essence of all your relationships.
Healing songs
Gaia’s powerful healing songs open up a bright future, lead you to the most subtle and beautiful worlds, into which you can be lifted even from complete and utter darkness. Gaia is a signpost of light in healing ceremonies, the bringer of pure love. Her healing songs enable you to fly into your past and self-heal, to recognize the path of your heart, your bright future and start walking towards it. Her loving energy infuses you with complete safety and coziness so that you can delve deeper into yourself and your processes. With her knowledge and experience, she can guide you to the root cause of your pattern, making it conscious for you and in this way foster healing.
You have made a huge step forward on your spiritual journey when you choose love over anger, fear, or sadness.
Gaia s svojimi astrološkimi smernicami svetuje pri naših poslovnih in osebnih odločitvah in akcijah že več kot 10 let. Posebej cenim in spoštujem njen odnos do vsake posamezne stranke in zavedanjem vpliva, ki ga lahko z nepravilnim tolmačenjem povzroči – zato so njene astrološke razlage dinamičnih aspektov vedno usmerjene v izzive in lekcije ter ne v probleme in črne scenarije.
Gaia in njeni, najbolj varen otok za raziskovanje sebe in sveta. Prvič v življenju sem šla skozi obred in prvič začutila moč pradavnih skupnosti, brez Gaie, Alana in Luke ne bi zmogla skozi ta razburljiva potovanja.
Krasna ekipa kompetentnih šamanov, ki me popeljala v svet novih spoznanj in predvsem ljubezni do sebe. Sledim sebi, poslušam svoje občutke in se na podlagi tega odločam. Vsem tistim, ki si želite odpraviti svoje strahove, zaživeti v resnici, svetlobi in ljubezni , vam obrede iskreno priporočam.
Gaia in njena ekipa so kot svetilnik, ki kaže pravo smer po razburkanem oceanu. Ali je to osebna ali poslovna pot, njihova luč mi je vedno pokazala pravilno pot in me pripeljala uspešno do zastavljenega cilja.
Gaine astrološke analize in sporočila ob kanaliziranju z mojstrom Kouthumijem so bile nekaj čisto posebnega, ko ti astrološko znanje in vedenje dopolni pogled mojstra se z druge strani. Ki vidi dlje in gleda marsikaj drugače.
Najbolj neprecenljivo pa je to, da se učenje ni končalo eno leto nazaj na samih obredih, temveč imajo takrat pridobljena dognanja dolgoročne pozitivne posledice tudi danes. In prepričana sem, da jih bom nosila s seboj celo življenje.
There are many paths for self development, many ways to heal the mind, body and spirit but few compare to working with plant medicine with respect and intention. I worked with plant medicine for a couple of years on my own with great results and yet I could not have anticipated the huge boost in focus, speed, effectiveness and safety from working with Alan, Gaia, Luka and Ales.
V Koštaboni je varen prostor z odličnimi učitelji življenja. Hvala, da sva lahko del tega. Hvala za vsa izkustva in spoznanja. Hvala za sprejetost, srčnost, podporo in odkrit pogovor.